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Pepe (PEPE), Tamadoge (TAMA), and HedgeUp (HDUP) are The Next 100x Coins

With experts predicting the next bull run could be right around the corner, investors have intensified their efforts to find the next big thing. We asked these same experts what tokens could make 100x within the next year or so. They responded with Pepe (PEPE), Tamadoge (TAMA), and HedgeUp (HDUP).

Pepe (PEPE) to pull off another impressive run

VIDEO: Can Pepe Coin 100x | Price Analysis. #invest #cryptocurrency #crypto #pepe #pepecoin
Kevin Finance

Pepe (PEPE) has been, perhaps, the biggest surprise of the last two months. The token is a meme coin inspired by Pepe the Frog. It was released in mid-April in what was a relatively quiet launch. But after two weeks, the token would go on one of the most impressive runs the bear market has seen.

Pepe’s (PEPE) value increased by close to 3,000% to reach an all-time high (ATH) of $0.00000431. This gave it the highest returns the market had seen in a long time. Pepe’s value has since fallen by 78% to settle at $0.00000094.

However, some experts believe that is not the end of Pepe’s (PEPE) story. This is because the token managed to generate a lot of hype while the market was down. So, when the market does recover, it is likely to command so much more hype and do even better.

Tamadoge (TAMA) to leverage GameFi’s growing popularity


GameFi has been one of the fastest-growing spaces in the crypto ecosystem. And, within it lie some hidden gems that will provide investors with some excellent returns. To that end, some experts consider Tamadoge (TAMA) to be the most promising of these.

Tamadoge is a GameFi project featuring lots of game-inspired NFTs. There is also a collection of unique arcade games that users can play to rank on the project’s leaderboard. All these are part of an ecosystem where TAMA is the native currency.

HedgeUp (HDUP): the best utility token

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Zack Ventura

Many experts consider HedgeUp (HDUP) to be the most promising utility token in decentralized finance (DeFi). The token will serve HedgeUp’s ecosystem, which includes the world’s first Web3 investment platform for alternative assets. The platform is a marketplace where users can buy and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) backed by real, physical assets.

HedgeUp (HDUP) will be used as the internal currency of this marketplace. It will be used to pay for the asset-backed NFTs, cover trading fees, and bid at auctions. Holders also get several exclusive benefits within the platform’s ecosystem.

Depending on the size of their holdings, this includes free NFTs, product listing signals, access to tutorials with investment experts, and a home-delivered investment sample basket.

HedgeUp (HDUP) is the first platform of its kind in Web3 and the alternative assets market. This gives its native token the most unique and innovative utility in the crypto market. Therefore, experts believe that the token will have an impressive run when HedgeUp (HDUP) launches. Estimates show it will gain between 3,000% and 10,000%.

The token is currently in presale, where it is selling at a discounted $0.036. This is a very good offer considering how much potential it has in the market.

For more information about HedgeUp (HDUP) presale use the links down below:


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Author: Carolyn Mack

Last Updated: 1699396082

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Name: Carolyn Mack

Birthday: 1958-06-05

Address: 6046 Matthew Locks Apt. 267, Riverabury, MI 80603

Phone: +3913330626035230

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Backpacking, DIY Electronics, Metalworking, Cycling, Pottery, Skateboarding, Fencing

Introduction: My name is Carolyn Mack, I am a cherished, unreserved, sincere, clever, brilliant, radiant, ingenious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.