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Price Prediction for XDC Network (XDC) for 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2030 | Investingcom Nam

In this XDC Network (XDC) price prediction 2023, 2024-2030, we will analyze the price patterns of XDC by using accurate trader-friendly technical analysis indicators and predict the future movement of the cryptocurrency.

XDC Network Current Market Status

XDC Current Market Status (Source: CoinMarketCap)

What is XDC Network (XDC)

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XDC serves as the fuel token for the XinFin Network, an enterprise-ready blockchain featuring a hybrid (public/private) architecture. With EVM compatibility, the network caters to enterprises looking to build or scale their infrastructure within a blockchain ecosystem. From seamless interoperable smart contracts to frictionless payments, XDC Network provides all the necessary resources for various blockchain use cases.

Moreover, XinFin’s mainnet token, XDC, presents a real-world utility, exemplified by platforms like TradeFinex.org. This allows small and medium businesses or institutions to create their financial requirements digitally and distribute them to banks or non-bank lenders through a common distribution standard, streamlining the financial origination process.

XDC Network (XDC) 24H Technicals

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(Source: TradingView)

XDC Network (XDC) Price Prediction 2023

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XDC Network (XDC) ranks 57th on CoinMarketCap in terms of its market capitalization. The overview of the XDC Network price prediction for 2023 is explained below with a daily time frame.


XDC/USDT Horizontal Channel Pattern (Source: TradingView)

In the above chart, XDC Network (XDC) laid out a horizontal channel pattern. The horizontal channel is also known as the sideways trend. In general, the horizontal channel is formed during price consolidation. In this pattern, the upper trendline, the line that connects the highs, and the lower trendline, the line that connects the lows, run horizontally parallel and the price action is contained within it.

A horizontal channel is often regarded as one of the suitable patterns for timing the market as the buying and selling points are in consolidation.

At the time of analysis, the price of XDC Network (XDC) was recorded at $0.05169. If the pattern trend continues, then the price of XDC might reach the resistance levels of $0.05387, and $0.06286. If the trend reverses, then the price of XDC may fall to the support of $0.04996, and $0.04624.

XDC Network (XDC) Resistance and Support Levels

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The chart given below elucidates the possible resistance and support levels of XDC Network (XDC) in 2023.


XDC/USDT Resistance and Support Levels (Source: TradingView)

From the above chart, we can analyze and identify the following as resistance and support levels of XDC Network (XDC) for 2023.


XDC Resistance & Support Levels

XDC Network (XDC) Price Prediction 2023 — RVOL, MA, and RSI

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The technical analysis indicators such as Relative Volume (RVOL), Moving Average (MA), and Relative Strength Index (RSI) of XDC Network (XDC) are shown in the chart below.


XDC/USDT RVOL, MA, RSI (Source: TradingView)

From the readings on the chart above, we can make the following inferences regarding the current XDC Network (XDC) market in 2023.


XDC Network (XDC) Price Prediction 2023 — ADX, RVI

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In the below chart, we analyze the strength and volatility of XDC Network (XDC) using the following technical analysis indicators — Average Directional Index (ADX) and Relative Volatility Index (RVI).


XDC/USDT ADX, RVI (Source: TradingView)

From the readings on the chart above, we can make the following inferences regarding the price momentum of XDC Network (XDC).


Comparison of XDC with BTC, ETH


Let us now compare the price movements of XDC Network (XDC with that of (BTC), and (ETH).


BTC Vs ETH Vs XDC Price Comparison (Source: TradingView)

From the above chart, we can interpret that the price action of XDC is similar to that of BTC and ETH. That is, when the price of BTC and ETH increases or decreases, the price of XDC also increases or decreases respectively.

XDC Network (XDC) Price Prediction 2024, 2025 – 2030

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With the help of the aforementioned technical analysis indicators and trend patterns, let us predict the price of XDC Network (XDC) between 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030.



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If XDC Network (XDC) establishes itself as a good investment in 2023, this year would be favorable to the cryptocurrency. In conclusion, the bullish XDC Network (XDC) price prediction for 2023 is $0.09458. Comparatively, if unfavorable sentiment is triggered, the bearish XDC Network (XDC) price prediction for 2023 is $0.03025.

If the market momentum and investors’ sentiment positively elevate, then XDC Network (XDC) might hit $0.1. Furthermore, with future upgrades and advancements in the XDC Network ecosystem, XDC might surpass its current all-time high (ATH) of $0.1939. and mark its new ATH.

This content was originally published by our partners at The News Crypto.


Article information

Author: James Keith

Last Updated: 1700297281

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Name: James Keith

Birthday: 1999-12-31

Address: 6167 Myers Parks Suite 395, East Williamborough, NC 89160

Phone: +4795035866271903

Job: Web Designer

Hobby: Pottery, Stamp Collecting, Bird Watching, Wine Tasting, Gardening, Kite Flying, Coffee Roasting

Introduction: My name is James Keith, I am a dear, Colorful, unyielding, unguarded, vibrant, Gifted, unreserved person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.