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Talk with David Brown and Edy Modica, who are serving as jurors

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The So Many Shows Podcast sits down with Jury Duty actors David Brown and Edy Modica.

VIDEO: Cast/Crew Q&A for ‘Jury Duty’ | SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations
SAG-AFTRA Foundation

Tracey and Jay interview David Brown and Edy Modica who play jurors Todd and Jeannie, respectively, on freevee original series Jury Duty.  We had the opportunity to learn more about how things operated from their perspective on the show. What was it like to keep such a big secret from Ronald, who is not an actor, and thinks they are all filming a documentary about the jury process.

Jury Duty sets up a fun experiment about human interaction and how people may respond to people and experiences they are not familiar with. Tune in as we talk about “chair pants” aka “chants” and more! Thanks so much to David and Edy for spending some time with us.

Jury Duty actors David Brown and Edy Modica
Jury Duty actors David Brown and Edy Modica

All 8 episodes of Jury Duty are currently available on Amazon freevee.

Listen to the podcast episode by pressing the play icon at the top of the post or listen via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or other podcast provider by subscribing to the So Many Shows podcast feed.

Thank you so much for tuning in and please follow our continuing coverage  of “so many shows”.

ICYMI: So Many Shows: TV Round Table with Tracey, Jay and Pete

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Enthusiastic SMS contributor, interviewer and co-host of the Lincoln Law Pod and Everybody Counts Podcasts 🎧🎙

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VIDEO: 'Jury Duty' Auditions and How the Cast Landed Their Roles | Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair


Article information

Author: Teresa Pena

Last Updated: 1699142642

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Author information

Name: Teresa Pena

Birthday: 2003-06-24

Address: 730 Figueroa Trail, Port Lisastad, NY 24319

Phone: +3681399421668209

Job: IT Support Specialist

Hobby: Fishing, Embroidery, Playing Piano, Bird Watching, Photography, Cross-Stitching, Stargazing

Introduction: My name is Teresa Pena, I am a capable, irreplaceable, forthright, apt, risk-taking, rich, accessible person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.