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Yolix Luna, una artista de México, enseña a los visitantes de San Antonio cómo celebrar el Día de los Muertos

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 / Source: SAReport

An artist's ofrenda at El Mercado at Historic Market Square teaches visitors how to respectfully honor the traditions of Día de los Muertos.

Yolix Luna paints a folk art piece with acrylic paint in her puesto Muñecas at El Mercado inside the Historic Market Square.Cempasúchil flowers, a plate of salt and everlasting candles sit on tiers of tables at El Mercado at Historic Market Square. No photos show who the altar honors, but a hairbrush, perfume and pistachios symbolize and welcome Mexican artist Yolix Luna’s mother for Día de los Muertos.

Día de los Muertos is a celebration that dates back to Pre-Hispanic Mexico. It honors small children and saints on Nov. 1 and all the dead on Nov. 2. Families often honor their dead, including dogs, by putting out an ofrenda so their spirits visit.

“I used to make them small before because people thought I was a bruja , because I would set an altar for my mother,” she said. “Now people understand and now they accept it and put it up themselves.”Tuesday, tourists passed by admiring the altar adorned with monarch butterflies — this year’s theme. Tourists took photos and leaned in to see the detailed clay art molded as plates of mole and arroz. headtopics.com

“It has nothing to do with Halloween. … Since it’s around the same date, people think Día de los Muertos is Halloween and it’s not,” Calvillo Cerna said. “That’s the main part that should be separated.”

“What was wrong with the movie ‘Coco’ is that you don’t necessarily have to put the photo or the person won’t come,” Luna said. “As long as you keep remembering them, they can come back to be with you.” headtopics.com

In her book’s opening, Luna writes, “This book was created out of a personal anxiety to spread information about one of the most ancestral and most popular traditions of Mexican culture.” “Carlitos, that’s why I’ll continue to repeat, don’t forget me and remember me with great joy on Día De Muertos,” the grandmother says in the book.

She’s been called a “Mexican Van Gogh,” inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s rhythm and the movement of swirls across the canvas, which she recreates with acrylic paint using the impasto technique. She also recreates his pointillism style in her San Antonio-specific artwork, but on bark paper and decorated with a folk art border. headtopics.com

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VIDEO: A Celebration of Life: El Dia de los Muertos
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Name: Amanda Bell

Birthday: 1996-09-30

Address: 2378 Stanley Village Apt. 418, Lake Maxfort, NH 84997

Phone: +3541207239510586

Job: Real Estate Agent

Hobby: Swimming, Painting, Writing, Gardening, Web Development, Mountain Climbing, Chocolate Making

Introduction: My name is Amanda Bell, I am a accomplished, esteemed, Precious, steadfast, unreserved, unyielding, tenacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.