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Bloomberg: Are you a machine?

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    Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, is under investigation by French authorities for the alleged illegal provision of digital-asset services and acts of aggravated money laundering, according to an official for the Paris public prosecutor’s office.

    Binance had an on-site visit by French authorities last week, a spokesperson for the exchange said in a statement. “In France, on-site visits by regulators and inspectors are part of regulatory obligations to which all financial institutions must adhere,” the spokesperson added, declining to comment on specifics of law enforcement or regulatory investigations. “We abide by all laws in France, just as we do in every other market we operate.”


    Article information

    Author: Micheal Johnson

    Last Updated: 1703858642

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    Author information

    Name: Micheal Johnson

    Birthday: 1955-06-29

    Address: USNV Gonzalez, FPO AA 08034

    Phone: +4672647797643091

    Job: Zoologist

    Hobby: Bird Watching, Coin Collecting, Amateur Radio, Fishing, Meditation, Coffee Roasting, Rowing

    Introduction: My name is Micheal Johnson, I am a artistic, unyielding, Open, fearless, striking, intrepid, risk-taking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.