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With a software update, Tesla has made your car safer following a collision

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    Tesla has started to push a new software update that automatically activates and speeds up hazard lights after a crash.

    If you have just been in an accident, you are not always in the best state of mind to think about activating your hazard lights, even though it is the right thing to do. It makes you and those around you safer by making your vehicle more visible.

    Today, Tesla announced that it came up with a new feature that should be helpful in those situations. Through a new over-the-air software update that is getting pushed to most vehicles in the US, Tesla vehicles will now automatically activate and flash their hazard lights faster after airbag deployments:

    If an airbag is deployed, hazard lights will automatically activate & flash faster to improve visibility

    Update now rolling out to all US Model 3 & Y as well as S & X (2020 & newer) pic.twitter.com/TadrwKTmtB

    — Tesla North America (@tesla_na) October 3, 2023

    This is another great example of Tesla’s extensive use of over-the-air (OTA) software updates: Your vehicles get better overnight without you even noticing most of the time.

    This is an area where Tesla is miles ahead of the rest of the auto industry. Most automakers have announced efforts to use OTA software updates, but they are not in a position as great as Tesla’s to deploy the technology.

    Ford CEO Jim Farley recently noted the difference between companies like Ford and Tesla is that the former outsourced a lot of parts that it can’t interact with at the software level while the latter has designed everything from the ground up to work together on the software level. This enables Tesla to control every aspect of its vehicles and update when needed, whether it is for a “recall” or a new or updated feature, like this one.

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    Author: Gabrielle Garcia

    Last Updated: 1699258682

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    Author information

    Name: Gabrielle Garcia

    Birthday: 1940-11-27

    Address: 5380 Brown Mission, Lake Curtismouth, AK 27664

    Phone: +4752230721841963

    Job: Paramedic

    Hobby: Running, Hiking, Metalworking, Cross-Stitching, Dancing, Origami, Hiking

    Introduction: My name is Gabrielle Garcia, I am a clever, dazzling, brilliant, Colorful, vivid, tenacious, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.